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Management team and board of directors of the Live Foundation

Management team

The management team of the Group consists of the Managing Director, other heads of key operations and Group services appointed by the board and an employee representative. The management team assists the Managing Director in planning and managing the operations and preparing the matters to be discussed by the board of directors.

The management team makes preparations for the Live Foundation’s strategic planning and operative annual planning, monitors the realisation of the plans as well as financial reporting and prepares significant investments. The management team’s duties also include developing the internal cooperation of the foundation and promoting the shared development projects.

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From left to right Director of Human Resources Elena Rokala, Managing Director Marja Pajulahti, Chief Customer Officer, marketing and communications Leena Hallamaa, Admistrative Director, real estate and facilities Jari Kannisto, Chief Financial Officer Jussi Somervuo, Principal, Live Vocational College Antti Aavikko, Chief Development Officer Liisa Metsola and Director Juha Keski-Filppula.

Board of directors

The Live Foundation’s board of directors consists of 5–9 members appointed by the delegation. The board is responsible for implementing the purpose of the foundation, organising the operations and managing the foundation’s funds. The board manages, directs and monitors the foundation’s operations. Its duties include drawing up and approving the key operating principles, plans and risk management policies of the foundation and monitoring their implementation.


Pictured from top left Timo Sairanen, Vesa Kämäräinen, Tom Liljeström, Riikka-Maria Yli-Suomu, Minna Elomaa, Satu Mehtälä ja Tarja Filatov. 

Members of the board

• Satu Mehtälä, Managing Director, Chair of the board
• Vesa Kämäräinen, Board professional
• Minna Elomaa, Master of Science in Economics
• Tarja Filatov, MP
• Tom Liljeström, Master of Science in Economics
• Timo Sairanen, Chief HR and Legal Officer
• Riikka-Maria Yli-Suomu, Director of the Association of Municipalities