The project aims to enhance students' competences related to European citizenship, cultural awareness, transversal soft skills and digital skills. In addition, project has a strong social context, and the products will be made together with European partners.
Through the core of the project the students will learn skills for internationalization, despite aiming for actual mobility or not. Students will be strongly involved in creating digital tools for internationalization as part of their studies with the support of teaching staff.We want to promote equal opportunities for internationalization for VET students who need special support in their studies due to disability or other reasons. We want to promote inclusion and encourage the students with fewer opportunities to participate in international activities. Our project has also a strong focus on digitalization.
Train for international trail aims to improve the possibilities for all learners to feel European and to have opportunity to include internationality to their studies. During the project students involved will gain social competences, self-knowledge, digital skills and enhance their self-expression. Project will provide digital solutions to internationalisation and a readymade reusable handbook and study module with study materials and guides for teachers on how to get started on digitally based learning environments. The teachers participating will have better knowledge and tools on how to take internationality in action with special needs students as well as students in regular VET. In this project we will create a virtual trail towards international thinking and offer tools for preparing for an actual mobility.
Project results:
- Connecting Europe-game (Seppo-platform)
- Mobility Ability-study module
- Mobility Ability-handbook
- Train for international trail-learning diary