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Koulutus- ja tapahtuma­kalenteri

Koulutuksen tai tapahtuman järjestäjä


Ammattiopisto Live

Työllistymis- ja valmennuspalvelut




7.10.2024 - 10.10.2024

INCLUD Inclusive Dance Seminar

The Seminar explores what Inclusive Dance is and what it can be. INCLUD welcomes all Inclusive Dance professionals and dance professionals interested in inclusive dance to attend. Attending is free of charge and it will be held at Vocational school Live, Kiannonkatu 2, 02650 Espoo, Finland The registration for the Seminar opens in August. The seminar includes presentations, keynote-talks, panel discussions, facilitated team works and workshops by domestic and international contributors. Vocational College Live students will perform on Monday ...